Briefing Paper

4500 Palestinians, including 39 women,160 Children, imprisoned

30 October 2020

Briefing Paper

4500 Palestinians, including 39 women,160 Children, imprisoned

30 October 2020

Briefing Paper

4500 Palestinians, including 39 women,160 Children, imprisoned

30 October 2020


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4500 Palestinians, including 39 women,160 Children, imprisoned

IMEMC 30/07/2020

On the eve of al-Adha Muslim feast, Palestinian researcher specialized in detainee’s affairs, former political prisoner, Abdul-Nasser Ferwana, has reported that Israel is holding captive around 4500 Palestinians, including 39 women, 160 children, 6 legislators and 360 who are held under the arbitrary Administrative Detention orders without charges or trial. Ferwana stated that, among the imprisoned Palestinians, are dozens with special needs, or have cancer along with other serious health issues, and many who are elderly, including Fuad Shobaki, who is more than 80 years of age. He added that 86% of the Palestinian detainees are from various parts of the occupied West Bank, including the occupied capital Jerusalem, and that the detainees are held in 22 prisoners, detention and interrogation facilities, including the Negev desert detention camp, Ramon, Nafha, Hadarim, Be’er as-Sabe’, Galboa’, Asqalan, Damoun, Shatta, Ofar, Ramla and al-Maskobiyya.


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