Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper September 2019 (6)

23 September 2019

Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper September 2019 (6)

23 September 2019

Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper September 2019 (6)

23 September 2019


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Baby clothes store destroyed by Israel

Sarah Algherbawi EI 28/5/19

Earlier this month, I went shopping so that my baby son Khalil would have something new to wear for the holiday of Eid. It never occurred to me that the store where I bought his clothes would be attacked one day later. On 4 May, Israel fired four missiles at the building, which also hosted a Turkish charity aiding Palestinian orphans. The attack was a “real disaster,” according to al-Haddad. He had spent $90,000 buying new stock ahead of Eid. “We were already living in difficult economic conditions,” he said. “With this, we’re totally destroyed..” Five people were employed in his store. One of them, 23-year-old Muhammad Jarada, took a call from an Israeli number five minutes before the attack. The caller said he was part of the Israeli military and warned that the building must be evacuated within 60 seconds .. Ten stores in the al-Khuzundar building were destroyed.


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