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Executed at point-blank range
Yumna Patel Mweiss 02/12/2022
A Palestinian man was shot and killed by an Israeli border police officer at point blank range on Friday evening in the northern occupied West Bank town of Huwwara in what is being described as an “execution” on social media.
Gaza’s firefighters badly equipped
Ghada Al-Haddad EI 06/12/2022
In all, according to al-Khatib, Gaza has between 450 and 500 emergency responders, including firefighters. First responders are supposed to be protected under the Geneva Conventions. However, according to al-Khatib, 34 have been killed during Israel’s aggressions against Gaza since 2008. “We have been targeted multiple times even though we always wear our uniforms. Our cars are known to the Israeli side,” said al-Khatib. But, “we cannot trust the Israeli soldiers. We fear the treachery of the occupation forces.”
Lobby admits to lying about Palestinian rights group
Maureen Clare Murphy EI 13/12/22
Some 200 organizations based in Palestine and around the globe have urged Karim Khan, the ICC’s chief prosecutor, to condemn Israel’s designations against Al-Haq and two other Palestinian groups providing evidence and representing victims at the court. Al-Haq, Al Mezan and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights convened during the assembly of state parties to highlight Khan’s stonewalling of the Palestine investigation opened by his predecessor early last year. Apparent double standards in the generous allocation of court resources for the investigation in Ukraine while starving the Palestine probe has further undermined the credibility of the ICC, critics say.
If the ICC fails to act on Palestine, it will be dismissed as a cudgel serving the interests of powerful Western states, leaving Palestinians to take the law into their own hands, human rights advocates said during the event at The Hague.