Briefing Paper

Lancet censors Gaza health letter after pressure

30 October 2020

Briefing Paper

Lancet censors Gaza health letter after pressure

30 October 2020

Briefing Paper

Lancet censors Gaza health letter after pressure

30 October 2020


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Lancet censors Gaza health letter after pressure

Omar Karmi E I 1/10/2020 

. . . “A COVID-19 pandemic that further cripples the Gaza Strip’s healthcare system should not be viewed as an inevitable biomedical phenomenon experienced equally by the world’s population, but as a preventable biosocial injustice rooted in decades of Israeli oppression and international complicity,” they concluded. The letter – “Structural violence in the era of a new pandemic: the case of the Gaza Strip” – was duly published online on 27 March. Just three days later, however, in a move unusual if not unprecedented for The Lancet, the letter was taken down without comment. (It can still be read, on an academic publishing search engine site, here.) . . .


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