
Teaching Materials, Palestine and Israel: Understanding the Conflict

3 August 2023


Teaching Materials, Palestine and Israel: Understanding the Conflict

3 August 2023


Teaching Materials, Palestine and Israel: Understanding the Conflict

3 August 2023


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As the media report ongoing Israeli aggression in the Palestinian Territories, Scotland’s young people continue to be left in ignorance of the history and current consequences of the conflict.

For six years Scottish Friends of Palestine have been engaged in supporting the development of teaching materials for use in Scottish schools. In spite of initial support, our government and leading education body have put obstacles in the way of providing a balanced resource for our young people and their teachers.

If you believe it is essential that Scotland’s young people are informed about the situation in Palestine and Israel there are two steps you can take:

  1. Read here about the obstacles that have been placed in the way of the resource.

  2. Sign the petition asking our government to take steps to ensure teachers and young people have access to reliable teaching material.


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