Press Release

UNESCO admits Palestine as a member

1 November 2011

Press Release

UNESCO admits Palestine as a member

1 November 2011

Press Release

UNESCO admits Palestine as a member

1 November 2011


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The recent decision by UNESCO to admit Palestine as a member is an overwhelming endorsement of the struggle by the Palestinian people to have their legitimate rights recognised by the global community. That the United States not only led the opposition against Palestine’s admission as a member but then announced the withholding of funding from UNESCO (22% of its annual budget) as a reprisal, only serves to hold the Obama administration in contempt and further exposes the sheer hypocrisy of the United States when it comes to supporting the rights of the “underdog”.

Scottish Friends of Palestine, in noting the enthusiasm with which the announcement was received by the 107 nation states who supported membership, hopes that David Cameron’s coalition government (which abstained) will now find the moral fibre to throw off the self-serving shackles to the United Sates and Israel and do what is right the next time the rights of the Palestinian people are put to the vote.


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