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Children in Chains – Israel’s Twilight Zone
In the West Bank the detention of Palestinian children and young people by the Israeli military occupation forces, their treatment in the military courts, all go largely unreported and unchallenged. From the minute the children are detained, blindfolded or hooded, the treatment by their gaolers and military justice system can only be described as abusive and inhumane with credible reports of exposure to ill-treatment and torture.
Detained in late night raids, torn away from their family with parents denied the right to accompany them, the children will be exposed to solitary confinement, the use of leg irons and shackles. Signed confessions in Hebrew, a language most do not understand, is not uncommon
Organised by Scottish Friends of Palestine in collaboration with the Educational Institute of Scotland
Saturday 10th November 2012, 1pm to 5pm
Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor, Grosvenor Street, Edinburgh EH12 5EF
Gerard Horton
International Advocacy Officer – lawyer, Defence for Children International, based in Ramallah
Aimee Shalan
Director of Advocacy and Communications, Medical Aid for Palestinians
Dr Michael Kearney
lecturer in Law, Sussex University & legal consultant for Palestinian rights body, al Haq
Chair: Tam Baillie
Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People
This Seminar will explore the reality for Palestinian children under occupation, the obligations on the state of Israel, as an occupying power and member of the human race, towards these children. The Seminar will be of interest to everyone who believes that children should be treated as children.
Accommodation is limited. You are advised to pre-register to book your place at the Seminar. Entrance is free but donation appreciated.