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Scottish Friends of Palestine supported an information stall at a recent Unison Scottish Council meeting. This meeting pulls together together all the Unison branches in Scotland.
The stall was to highlight the Time to Divest campaign. This campaign is aimed at trying to end Scottish Local Authority Pension Fund investments in companies complicit in Israel’s illegal occupation and violations of Palestinian’s rights.
2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba which resulted in over 75, 000 Palestinians being driven from their homes, villages and lands. Referencing government archives, Israeli historian Ilan Pappe revealed that the process of ethnic cleansing was planned and systematically implemented by the leaders of the Zionist movement. The Palestinian refugees and internally displaced have never been allowed to return to their confiscated homes and lands .Today some five million Palestinian refugees are threatened with the loss of primary health care, basic education and emergency food assistance due to Trump’s cut in funding to the UN’s relief and works agency for Palestinian refugees.
Scottish Friends of Palestine is supporting the Time to Divest Campaign.
This campaign is well worth supporting and it is to hoped that it will lead to local authority pension funds ending the funding of violations of Palestinian rights.